New Program writen By me

15 12 2007

hi,ive been thinking, insted of having to work out light year values, why cant you just type them into a computer then the computer give you the value in KM. Well, i have built that program, heres a look at the code:

 ‘C copyright 2007 GMaier, George Maier

Imports System.Windows.Forms Module

Module1 Sub Main()

Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to Lightspeed Calculator”)

Console.WriteLine(“<c> copyright 2007 George Maier”)

Do Dim light As String = ” 299792.459 “Dim test As String = “34234”

Console.Write(“Enter the lightyear value:”)

Dim cal As String = Console.ReadLine()

Dim answer As String = light * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 * cal

Console.WriteLine(“Answer: “ & answer & “Km”) My.Computer.Clipboard.SetText(answer)

Console.WriteLine(“Answer has been copied to clipbord”) 


End Sub

End Module This code was written in Visual Basic and is a simple command line program, you can download the package by clicking here. This includes a setup file, when you run this the program will instal itself on your computer, it will be acsessable from the start menu. Please note, the code above is the atchual code for the program, there is no malware of any sort hidden in this program.  Also please unzip the whole package before instaling. Thanks.